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They're not coming for your GUNS. They're coming for your SOCIAL SECURITY! - Laptop/Window/Bumper Sticker

They're not coming for your GUNS. They're coming for your SOCIAL SECURITY! - Laptop/Window/Bumper Sticker reviews

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  • buy at least 20, save $1.00 each

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  • buy 21 to 100, save 45%
  • buy at least 101, save 60%
Item #: 149
Our Price: $4.95
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The Right Wing fear machine is in full swing. Remember when they said in 2007 that Obama was coming for your guns? Yeah. That didn't happen. Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to chip away at the lifeline depended upon by seniors. Pay Attention!

Take a stand with this highest quality UV coated sticker for laptops, windows, bumpers, anywhere!

10" wide x 3" high, UV-coated, Indoor/Outdoor; made in the US in a sweatshop-free environment where a living wage is paid.


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