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It's not a Spill. It's a GUSHER. Renewable Energy NOW! Liberal Progressive Laptop/Window/Bumper Sticker

It's not a Spill. It's a GUSHER. Renewable Energy NOW! Liberal Progressive Laptop/Window/Bumper Sticker reviews

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Item #: 010
Our Price: $4.95


BP Oil Disaster: The largest man-made oil disaster in history: 205,800,000 gallons according to scientists in the Flow Rate Technical Group, supervised by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Department of Energy.

A spill? A SPILL? No. Let's not use oil company terminology, and let's call it what it is!

Go on OFFENSE! Take a stand with this highest quality UV-coated sticker for laptops, windows, bumpers, anywhere!

10" wide x 3" high; indoor/outdoor; made in the U.S. in a sweatshop-free environment where a living wage is paid.


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